Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How To Turn Your Girl Friend Into Your Girlfriend?

So, you are into your girl friend and you are desperate to turn your girl friend into your girlfriend? It is not uncommon for boys to go from being just friends with a girl friend to something more physical. In some cases, they want to build a relationship with their girl friend. Most girls reject anything other than friendship from guys because they have grown comfortable with the guys as a friend. The good news is that there is an effective step-by-step system you can easily follow that will turn your girl friend into your lover. Here I will take a moment to warn you about these techniques, as they are little intense. If you are brave enough, read on, otherwise, I recommend you to read something else. 

Friends Into Lovers- Get Her Into Bed

1: Never Become Friends With A Girl

This is the first step of turning a girl into a lover. Act like a man she would want to go on a date with, instead of acting like her buddy. In simpler words, women have a specific criteria on the basis of that criteria they put men into either the category of “friend” or the category of “boyfriend”. For example, if a guy is always available to his girl friend, and he treats her with respect and kindness, she will put that guy into the “friend” category. You want to turn her into your girlfriend, so you should act in sexual and aggressive manner from the moment you meet her. In essence you should act in a way that wouldn’t put you in friend category. 

2: Keep Distance

If you are already “just her friend”, it’s time to do something dramatic that would attract your girl friend towards you. Simply stop hanging out with your girl friend. This means that you have to stop calling her and sending e-mails to her. Your main goal should be doing everything that could remove yourself from that friendship. Act like you are “really busy” and you don’t have time to hang out with her. Respond to her calls and messages, but give a late response. Avoid being available for your girl friend all the time. 

3: Contact Your Girl Friend After a Period of Silence

Once you have done all the above mentioned things, take a break for a while, and then return to her. Talk to her like a potential dating partner. Avoid keeping the same old friendship behavior. The key at this point is to act like a guy she would want to go on a date with.

4: Treat Your Girl Friend Like a Woman

After contacting her again, treat her in a way that will attract her towards you. Ask her on date and practice subtle flirting. Act like a real man and she will attract towards you.

You can turn a girl friend into a girlfriend, but it’s bit hard. You have to make dramatic moves to put yourself into the boyfriend category. 

Today, I'm sharing something a little controversial but if you have a female friend in your life who only sees you as her "good friend" or worse... She treats you like a brother, then use this to finally be able to get her into bed:

Friends Into Lovers- Get Her Into Bed

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