Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How To Turn Your Girl Friend Into Your Girlfriend?

So, you are into your girl friend and you are desperate to turn your girl friend into your girlfriend? It is not uncommon for boys to go from being just friends with a girl friend to something more physical. In some cases, they want to build a relationship with their girl friend. Most girls reject anything other than friendship from guys because they have grown comfortable with the guys as a friend. The good news is that there is an effective step-by-step system you can easily follow that will turn your girl friend into your lover. Here I will take a moment to warn you about these techniques, as they are little intense. If you are brave enough, read on, otherwise, I recommend you to read something else. 

Friends Into Lovers- Get Her Into Bed

1: Never Become Friends With A Girl

This is the first step of turning a girl into a lover. Act like a man she would want to go on a date with, instead of acting like her buddy. In simpler words, women have a specific criteria on the basis of that criteria they put men into either the category of “friend” or the category of “boyfriend”. For example, if a guy is always available to his girl friend, and he treats her with respect and kindness, she will put that guy into the “friend” category. You want to turn her into your girlfriend, so you should act in sexual and aggressive manner from the moment you meet her. In essence you should act in a way that wouldn’t put you in friend category. 

2: Keep Distance

If you are already “just her friend”, it’s time to do something dramatic that would attract your girl friend towards you. Simply stop hanging out with your girl friend. This means that you have to stop calling her and sending e-mails to her. Your main goal should be doing everything that could remove yourself from that friendship. Act like you are “really busy” and you don’t have time to hang out with her. Respond to her calls and messages, but give a late response. Avoid being available for your girl friend all the time. 

3: Contact Your Girl Friend After a Period of Silence

Once you have done all the above mentioned things, take a break for a while, and then return to her. Talk to her like a potential dating partner. Avoid keeping the same old friendship behavior. The key at this point is to act like a guy she would want to go on a date with.

4: Treat Your Girl Friend Like a Woman

After contacting her again, treat her in a way that will attract her towards you. Ask her on date and practice subtle flirting. Act like a real man and she will attract towards you.

You can turn a girl friend into a girlfriend, but it’s bit hard. You have to make dramatic moves to put yourself into the boyfriend category. 

Today, I'm sharing something a little controversial but if you have a female friend in your life who only sees you as her "good friend" or worse... She treats you like a brother, then use this to finally be able to get her into bed:

Friends Into Lovers- Get Her Into Bed

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

12 Important Things To Impress A Woman On a First Date

When a man goes on a date with a very attractive woman, his main goal is to have a perfect night of fun with that woman and then evenings of frolic followed by that perfect night of fun. But first, a man needs to go through the motions of his first date. He needs to demonstrate that he is the kind of man she will love to spend time with. 

Many men don’t know how to impress a woman on first date. There is no secret of impressing a woman on first date. A man has to remember only one thing in order to impress a woman on a first date. And that is the confidence and appearance (your dressing). It may sound superficial that dressing and appearance take the first spot to impress a woman on a first date. But the truth is, people respond to appearances and pass judgment about anyone’s character based on his/her appearance. Here are 12 important things that you need to give importance in order to impress a woman on a first date.

1: Your Clothing avoid wearing lose-fitted clothing. Wear well-fitted clothing. Make sure your clothing expresses your personality. Wear those clothes that are good enough to flatter your body. Also, make sure your clothing is appropriate for the venue.

2: Your Hair – when did you last get a hair cut? Is your hair style current? Make sure your hairstyle suits you best.

3: Your Skin – if you don’t have healthy skin like you have cane problem or dark spots, get a treatment to fix these skin problems.

4: Your Shoes – make sure your shoes are clean and they match your clothes.

5: Your Nails – don’t go on a date with long and dirty nails. Make sure they are trimmed and clean. Women are conscious about hygiene; especially they hate dirty and long finger and toenails. 

6: Facial Hair – The clean look is preferred for the first date. So, take care of unnecessary facial hair.

7: Your Body – how fit your body is? Your date will notice your body. Fit men have no problem in attracting women. Do proper workout to get into shape.

8: Your Smell – take bath before going on a date. You are not going to impress a woman if you stink. Use a deodorant and wear a perfume. 

9: Your Dental Hygiene – Brush and floss. If you have a problem of bad breath, use breath mints.

 10: Your Posture – Maintain a good posture. It shows your confidence. 

11: Your Intelligence – Use your intelligence when talking to a woman. Keep a conversation and show your social skills. If you have a good sense of humor, use it. Women are attracted towards men who can make them laugh.

12: Your Voice – Use a well modulated voice because your voice shows your confidence.

Four Important Things To Become a Pick Up Artist

A pick up artist is a man who can attract women by doing and saying certain things. You can’t become a pick up artist overnight because it’s an on-going process. It is different than becoming good at anything else, be it playing sport or a musical instrument. You need a lot of time to learn and put what you learn into practice. There are a great number of things that you need to know to become an expert pick up artist. However, here we are going to share four most important things that you can quickly learn. You can use these things to be successful with women. Here are these things.

1: Remember The Basic Principles of Attraction and Seduction

In order to attract women, you will need to use fancy conversational techniques. Some of these techniques will help you a lot in attracting women, while some of these techniques will distract you. The key here is to use the basic principles of attraction and seduction. You have to remember following things:
  • Never show that you are a type of man who depends on outcome when talking to a woman. Make sure women see you as someone who has lots of social value, regardless of whether you are talking to women or not.
  • Women are attracted to those men who have the two sets of main qualities: they are confident, experienced, self-assured, recognized leader (a.k.a alpha male), and they are protective, caring, emotionally intelligent, reliable partner.  Most women want the perfect combination of these qualities. First, you need to display them that you are self-assured, confident, alpha male, experienced, and then you need to show other qualities. You have to show a nice combination of these qualities, showing first set of qualities will help you attract women, but for a limited time. Likewise, if you show the second set of qualities without showing the first set of qualities, you will into a friend zone of women.
  • Be sociable and show women your social proof. Show them that you have a good circle of friends. Tell them stories about your social experiences and show them you have social values. In addition, show your social experience and intelligence. Be careful and don’t appear to be showing off.

2: Avoid Being an On/Off Pick up Artist

Always be “ON” and avoid being an on/off pick up artist. A good pick up artist is always on and he plays the role everywhere. Be attractive for every woman you meet. Charm every girl like you’d charm her in a night club. Remember practice makes a man perfect. Also, be friendly to men. This way, you will be able to show that you are socially intelligent. This shows your high social values. Continuous practice will enable you to be attractive naturally. So, your mind will not have to make efforts to appear that way, as it will be good enough to do it naturally.

3: Set Your Goals

It is common for men to make sleeping with a woman or getting her phone number their main goal when they attend a party or a nightclub. These goals are too big for the first time attempt. You can get a woman into bed in first attempt only if you are lucky. The key for you at this point is to start with small goals. Sleeping with a woman might be your ultimate goal, but it is wise to start with small goal like having a conversation with her. It is wise to set small, realistic and achievable goals that you can easily achieve before thinking about your next goal. For example, set a small goal of making a group of women laugh. After achieving this goal, isolate one of them from that group. Set small goals and work on them to achieve them. This way, you will able to achieve your ultimate goal.

4: Get Out Into The Real World

It is the most important thing for becoming a perfect pick up artist. If you want to be successful with women, you need to spend more time into the real world, at places where you can easily find lots of women. You need to practice at such places. It’s the only way to become a successful pick up artist, because women will not come to you. An easy way to do so is to pick a good nightclub and just spend a lot of time there. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Proven Tips To Get A Woman In Bed

Getting a woman in bed is one of the most common problems that a great number of men face. Seducing a woman is the real art that most men are not good at. They don’t use the first steps that are very important to properly and effectively seduce a woman. If you really want to get a woman in bed, don’t assume that seduction is just about having sex with a woman. If you assume it, I bet you will never be able to get a woman in woman. Here are some proven tips that you can use to get a woman in bed with you without being pushy. 

Be Unique

The first very important thing that you need in order to get her in bed with you is to be unique. Make sure you are different from other guys she may have met before. If she feels that you are just another man she has met before, she will not get in bed with you. You have to be different from other guys to prove her that you are the right man for her. Try something different that the woman you are trying to entice has not seen, heard or experienced before.

Sure Fire Ways To Get A Woman In Bed

Be Patient

Let’s face it, when it comes to sex, women are in control. If she say NO, you can’t do anything except accepting that NO with dignity. Don’t be pushy and impatient, because she will sense your impatience. Be patient and don’t let her “NO” has any effect on your ego. Take slow steps towards and finally you will be bale to get a woman in bed with you. 

Be Respectful of Her

Treat her like a princess. Respect her and the results will be long lasting. Some guys succeed to get a woman in bedonce, but they fail to get the same woman in bed second time. It’s just because they don’t treat their woman respectfully. When a guy respects her girl, she feels more comfortable with him. 

Use Non-Sexual Touching

It can work great for you to persuade your woman to get in bed with you. Touching can be done on emotional level and women quickly respond to touching on emotions. Non-sexual touching can trigger sexual feelings in her. 

Build Romance

Ask questions that can make her think that you are into her. Send her a rimantic message. Tell her how you feel in her absence. Ask your rimantic questions in the most non-invasive way. You can take things to a more intimate level by asking romantic questions.